Thanks for the topic suggestions for the blog prompts that you offered at the workshop. There were a lot of great ideas.
I am planning to continue posting a new prompt every two weeks to the blog as it seems a great way of keeping the project moving and staying in touch between face to face catch ups. I am really enjoying the regular creative connection with you all.
That being the case, I am hoping to complete at least two prompts (maybe three) before we meet again in May! If you could please respond in the next week to week and a half (the earlier the better) that would be great. That will give me time to create an ISR for you before the next prompt.
I am doing an intensive at MIECAT for the next five days, so whilst I am not at work, I will probably still be a bit stretched for time. I will be checking in every day and I will do my best to respond with your ISRs asap.
Thank you and have a lovely, safe, happy and creative Easter break.
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